Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation


Improved Photocatalyst for Reducing Small Molecules

The reduction of small molecules such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide is extremely difficult because one-electron reduction processes often involve high-energy intermediates. Nitrogen reduction usually...
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Robert Hamers, Di Zhu, Nigel Becknell | P120070US01


A Supply of the Antibiotic Oligomycin

Oligomycin is a highly stable macrolide antibiotic isolated from the fungus Streptomyces diastochromogenes. It is a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial ATPase and phosphoryl group transfer.
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Glenn Chambliss | P04054US


Semi-Solid Forming of Metal-Matrix Nanocomposites

Semi-solid casting (SSC) is a high-integrity die casting technique, wherein metal is injected into a mold cavity in a semi-liquid/solid state with a “slushy” consistency. Semi-solid metal has lowe...
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Xiaochun Li, Lih-Sheng Turng, Michael DeCicco | P05344US


Zirconium-Rich Bulk Metallic Glass Alloys

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) exhibit unique properties including high strength, excellent wear and corrosion resistance, high resistance to fractures and outstanding castability. They are also inexpen...
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Y. Austin Chang, Hongbo Cao, Dong Ma, Ling Ding, Ker-chang Hsieh | P04251US


Producing Methyl Vinyl Ketone from Levulinic Acid

Levulinic acid is a biomass-derived compound that can be obtained inexpensively in high yields from a variety of waste cellulose-containing materials. It has been identified as a top biomass-derived c...
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James Dumesic, Ryan West | P09350US01


Cost-Effective Synthesis of HMF from Fructose

Increasing demand of petrochemical resources to produce the energy and chemical materials required by industrialized societies with growing populations combined with a diminishing supply has resulted ...
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James Dumesic, Yuriy Roman-Leshkov, Juben Chheda | P06305US