Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Animals, Agriculture & Food
Animals Agriculture Food
Inbred Carrot Lines May Resist Root-Knot Pest
WARF: P120304US01

Inventors: Irwin Goldman

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is seeking commercial partners interested in carrot varieties having potential resistance to Northern root-knot nematode.
According to the USDA, Wisconsin farmers produced 73,610 tons of carrots in 2010. Unfortunately, carrot is highly susceptible to attack by the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood), a pest that can severely reduce yields.
The Invention
UW–Madison researchers have developed inbred carrot lines that exhibit some resistance to Northern root-knot nematode. The two lines are [W261 x (Rotin x W259)] and [W77 x (Rotin x W259)]. The lines were identified via greenhouse screening tests in the presence of nematode infection. Genetic crosses indicated that resistance is conditioned by two different homozygous recessive genes.
  • Genetic testing related to root-knot nematode resistance
  • Potentially breeding a new commercial carrot line
Key Benefits
  • Carrots show some resistance to Northern root-knot nematode.
Additional Information
For More Information About the Inventors
  • Wang M. and Goldman I.L. 1996. Resistance to Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood) in Carrot is Controlled by Two Recessive Genes. J. Hered. 37, 119-123.
For current licensing status, please contact Emily Bauer at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9842