Medical Imaging

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Aided Technology to Achieve Patient Specific Dose Prescription and Delivery
WARF: P180372US02
Inventors: Guang-Hong Chen, Juan Montoya, Thomas Grist
The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation is seeking commercial partners for an AI-assisted imaging technology to enhance precision and accuracy of medical imaging scans while minimizing exposure to radioactivity.
The Invention
UW-Madison researchers have developed an AI-assisted imaging technology that uses a deep neural network to reconstruct a 3-D model of the patient. This invention predicts patient positioning, beam intensity and irradiation modulation parameters necessary for medical imaging without having to collect 2-D X-ray scout radiographs of the patient in advance. Moreover, the AI-based design provides informed guidance to prescribe the lowest possible radiation dose to achieve sufficient image quality prior to diagnosis. Ultimately, this technology achieves optimal patient-specific information including dose, prescription and delivery.
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For More Information About the Inventors
Tech Fields
For current licensing status, please contact Jeanine Burmania at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9846