Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation


Eardrum Nanomembrane Offers Tinnitus Care

Tinnitus is the perception of a sound with no external source. The sounds could be produced within a patient’s own body, like crackling caused by muscle spasms, or wholly imagined. Either way, diagn...
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Robert Blick, Burke Richmond | P120327US01


Calibrated Drill Sleeve Also Protects Soft Tissue

Drills are commonly used during orthopedic surgery to place screws that allow fixation of fractured bones. One problem that surgeons face while drilling is the overlying soft tissue becoming entangled...
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Kenneth Xu, Austin Crow, Josh Kolz, Sarah Sandock, John Renfrew | P120364US01


Tactile Button Panel for Use with Touch Screens

Touch screen systems have many advantages, including simplification of the user's task and elimination of a separate keyboard. However, touch screen systems present an insurmountable barrier to ma...
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Gregg Vanderheiden, David Kelso, J. Bern Jordan | P110167US01


Adjustable Implant for Treatment of Glottic Insufficiency

Glottic insufficiency is the medical term used to describe inadequate vocal fold contact during voice production. Glottic insufficiency results in poor voice quality and “breathiness” during phona...
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Matthew Hoffman, Jack Jiang, Rachel Witt, Timothy McCulloch | P100114US01


Algorithm for Selective Enhancement of Speech Signals

Hearing impairment rarely extends across the entire frequency range of hearing. Commonly, hearing loss is most severe at higher frequencies, although listeners can have selective losses at frequencies...
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Rick Jenison, Keith Kluender, Joshua Alexander | P100334US01


Implantable Intracranial Neural Interface System

One of the frontiers in biomedical science is the development of brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. A need exists for small-scale neurological interfaces that can potentially transmit information...
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P. Charles Garell, Justin Williams, Daryl Kipke, Jaimie Henderson, Jamille Hetke | P04169US


Improved Endovascular Aneurysm Occlusion Device

Cerebral aneurysms develop when the wall of a cerebral artery or vein become weakened and the blood vessel begins to balloon. To avoid this type of complication, procedures have been developed to prev...
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Kristyn Masters, Wendy Crone, Roham Moftakhar, Fangmin Xu, Beverly Aagaard-Kienitz | P08088US


Training Device for Muscle Activation Patterns

Movement of human limbs requires the coordination of multiple muscles. Such coordination is learned through extensive practice but can be disrupted by injuries or diseases such as traumatic brain inju...
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Kreg Gruben, Matthew Schmidt | P05358US